Patrick Colbeck of Let’s Fix Stuff and the Gateway Pundit has some important updates that are detailed in the must-read article regarding the immaculate elections in his recent article titled Detroit Elections: Smoke and Mirrors - Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht Tell Gateway Pundit They Have Identified Individuals and Operatives Linked to TCF Center Late Night Ballot Drops.
They used the Covid crisis to oppress the opposition for the last few years. They didn't achieve all of their objectives. My gut says that the Climate Crisis will be their next attempt at finishing what they started.

An opinion from the desk of Nanook North - founder of the Freemans Guild US, updated on 0n 2023/05/05, originally published on 2022/05/29.
War News! The war against the evils of totalitarian Leftist Globalist forces is expanding.
I have been quite pleased by some recent developments in this battle. According to The Duran sources, the Russians appear to be getting control of the Donbas region. Brazil is split after their stolen election. I have mixed feelings about the Russians as they evolved from a Communist regime and now have embraced Orthodox Christian traditions. This is a step in the right direction for them.
Even if one doubts the existence of a Holy Spirit, one can not deny all the good that has come from the American Constitution and all the good that the USA has done. This country was founded in Western traditions of the Judao-Christian core beliefs!!!
On the other hand, the Brazilian government is pulling the same shenanigans as our own government against its own people. I fully support and feel for those brave Brazilian Patriots struggling against their Leftist totalitarian oppressive Government.

China, the most powerful of the Communist forces, has evolved into a purely evil hybrid I call CronyCapitalism as they have coopted their diametrically opposed Useful Idiot one-world-order bureaucratic minions, is the wild card, and their economy is crumbling. It is still too early to predict how things will go there as their people continue to suffer incredible hardships and a complete lack of individual freedoms.
Brazil just had a questionable election very similar to the US election of 2020. My gut tells me that the unelected Brazilian bureaucrats, through nefarious means, pushed their preferred Communist/Socialist candidate over the line. This is exactly what many Americans feel happened in 2020.
Bullshite To All The Bolsheviks! That is the Communist, AKA AntiFa, dark way of violently doing things. We are the truth and light, as we are better, which is the ultimate force multiplier.
Stop the election stealing and fraud, and protest peacefully but loudly. We can always go Brazil on them if necessary, but that should be a last resort.
This is A Populist Revolution, not a Bolshevik revolution!!!
The Communist Useful Idiots behind the Big Lie AKA The Immaculate Election in Brazil, must be shaking in their oppressive boots these days.

The disparate treatment between the protesters in the Marxist movement called BLM, and the entrapped January 6 protesters speaks volumes. The Fedsurection Entrapment scheme is so obvious a blind man can see it. All one has to do is look. No honest person could call this a fair application of justice. Defund the federal Alphabet Mafia now!!! The Gateway Pundit covers a lot of interesting facts in this matter.
The Twats at Twitter are starting to be purged shortly after Elon Musk took the company over.
John Rich, one of my favorite artists, sits down with the Daily Wire and hits the nail on the head. John Rich is an artist ahead of the curve.
How We Win.
- Get rid of all the Democrats, along with their RINO enablers!
- Defund the FBI, not the Police!
- Its the Economy, yes Virginia, its the Economy.
- Keep questioning and resisting all these Immaculate Election results that defy all mathematics, statistics, and logic. Don't let the BIG Lie lay, and keep scratching that itch however us Freedom loving Patriots can. It's not domestic terrorism to question an election.
- Disband the FBI and the rest of the corrupt elements of the Alphabet Mafia.
- The Amish and Alex Jones had it right. Keep it simple and keep it local.

How The Election Was Stolen - BRAZIL – Another Victim of Election Fraud Technique Known as the "Drop and Roll"
Here are some interesting links to exactly how the 2020, the Brazilian, and the 2022 election was stolen.
This is Yuge News!!! The scumbags that are in the Alphabet Mafia that allowed this to happen belong in jail instead of the Patriots who questioned a fraudulent Immaculate Election!!!
I know we have to keep working to win the next election. Some say we must let go of what happened in 2020 and move on. While there is good reasoning for this opinion, and I agree that the shenanigans of 2020 are not what we should be focusing on, but we can not forget about what has happened. I agree that our main focus has to be on 2022 and 2024, so with that being said, I think that we can multitask. In the interest of the freedom movement, we will have to be sensitive to not wearing out interest from those in the middle and casual followers by focusing more on today and tomorrow, and polling supports this opinion.
During the discussion, Gregg dropped this bomb. According to Gregg, the True the Vote team has uncovered a multinational player involving federal agencies that will be so explosive that, according to Gregg, "It's going to make everybody forget everything about the mules, and it's going to bring into question everything we think we know about these elections."
#WTF #WhatTheFeck
Hindsight is 20/20
Analysis Shows Obvious Fraud By Computer in States of GA, PA a repost of Central City News article by Woody Jenkins
Wow, this is a great read! By the Way, LinkedIn banned a post that referenced this information.
If you live in Michigan, this scenario immediately fosters visions of the City of Detroit. In Michigan, “the good guy” in statewide races always seems to be in the lead when people go to bed. When they wake up in the morning, they find out that the “bad guy” won…on the back of late votes cast in Detroit. Detroit always seems to be the last municipality to report their votes. Why is that? Detroit Elections: Smoke and Mirrors
13 FACTS on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol
Experts Believe GOP-Led House Has Constitutional Right to Set Innocent Jan 6 Victims Housed in the DC Gulag Free
From The Gateway Pundit - Joe Biden and the CIA Worked to Install Current Communist Regime in Brazil - This Was All Planned
TGP first reported on the "Drop and Roll" after the 2020 Presidential Election. Now it looks like Brazil is a victim of this type of election theft as well.
The election in Brazil is very similar to the 2020 Presidential Election in the US. Like President Trump in 2020, the conservative candidate Bolsonaro's party picked up numerous lower house seats and governorships across the country. It was a conservative wave with the exception of the Presidential race.
Plandemic - An interesting discussion. What do you think about the plandemic?
The Duran is a great show that is what our legacy news sources should be more like! I suggest you support and follow them.
The Covid Tyranny How the Left Abuses False Narratives Through Amplification of a Crisis
Bolsonaro Condemns Vandalism, 5 Shot and 1200 Arrested as Protesters Disarm Provocateurs and Hand Them Over to Police
Chaos in Brazil: Protesters Storm Capital, Destroying Supreme Court, and Congress

Patel Patriot Interviews Gregg Phillips

"2000 Mules" Investigator Gregg Phillips Drops a Bomb: Investigators Discovered Multinational Player and Federal Agencies Involved in Operation – A "Multinational Deal Involving Billions of Dollars"
Analysis Shows Obvious Fraud By Computer in States of GA, PA a repost of Central City News article by Woody Jenkins
Wow, this is a great read! By the Way, LinkedIn banned a post that referenced this information.
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Learn what they do not want you to know, resist the darkness of evil and look into the light of the good! Your spidey senses will distill the simple truth over the dark lies of Globalist totalitarian oppression.
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