They used the Covid crisis to oppress the opposition for the last few years. They didn't achieve all of their objectives. My gut says that the Climate Crisis will be their next attempt at finishing what they started.
An opinion by Nanook North, founder of the Freemans Guild US. This article was updated on 11/09/2022. I would like to express thanks and gratitude to all those who support the Freemans Guild US.
Brazil just had a questionable election very similar to the US election of 2020. My gut tells me that the unelected Brazilian bureaucrats through nefarious means pushed their preferred Communist/Socialist candidate over the line. This is exactly what many Americans feel happened in 2020.
Bullshite To All The Bolsheviks
Now get out and vote, if they steal it we can always go Brazil on their assess later if required.
This is A Populist Revolution not a Bolshevik revolution!!!
The Communist Useful Idiots behind the Big Lie AKA The Immaculate Election in Brazil must be shaking in their oppressive boots these days.
The Twats at Twitter are starting to be purged one week after Elon Musk took the company over.
John Rich one of my favorite artists sits down with the Daily Wire and hits the nail on the head. John Rich is an artist ahead of the curve.
Reasons to not vote for a Democrat or a RINO!
How We Win.
1 Defund the FBI, not the Police!
2 Its the Economy, yes Virginia, its the Economy.
3 Keep questioning and resisting all these Immaculate Election results that defy all mathematics, statistics, and logic. Don't let the BIG Lie lay, keep scratching that itch however us Freedom loving Patriots can. It's not domestic terrorism to question an election. Disband the FBI and the rest of the corrupt elements of the Alphabet Mafia.
The Amish and Alex Jones had it right.
Keep it simple and keep it local.
Brazilians siege military assets in fight against communism https://thecountersignal.com/brazilians-siege-military-assets-in-fight-against-communism/
BRAZIL IS EXPLODING!!! A Doctor Steve Turley video. https://rumble.com/v1rb1eu-brazil-is-exploding.html
https:Twitter Temporarily Closes Offices as Layoffs Begin https//www.theepochtimes.com/twitter-temporarily-closes-offices-as-layoffs-begin_4843219.html
John Rich sits down with The Daily Wire to discuss his new song "Progress", and how the state and direction of the country inspired him to write it.
About the Freemans Guild US
You can join the Freemans Guild US for free here is a link to do so. - https://fmg.locals.com/register
You can support the Freemans Guild US here - https://fmg.locals.com/support
Learn what they do not want you to know, resist the darkness of evil and look into the light of the good! Your spidey senses will distill the simple truth over the dark lies of Globalist totalitarian oppression.
Join Nanook and the rest of the Freemans Guild US on free speech-friendly social media sites for uncensored content.
Find out what the Maoist censors like the CCP, Democrats, Google, F.B., Twitter, etcetera, all do not want you to know!
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FMG Locals https://fmg.locals.com/
Thinkspot https://thinkspot.com/nanooknorth-73tnpo
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Parler https://parler.com/#/user/NanookNorth
Nanook North the founder along with other employees of the Freemans Guild US has been banned by the Bil Gates founded Microsoft social media site LinkedIn and heavily shadow-banned by Google; you can help us out by spreading the good news by liking, sharing, or commenting about our work.